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Leticia Page 9

  I threw the contents of the safe on his back seat before getting into the car. Tristan and Nancy set off a few minutes before us and had told us they would make us a cup of tea for when we got in. I expected Jackson to set off straight after them, but instead, he turned to face me.

  “I’m sorry about all of this,” he told me. “You don’t deserve this.”

  “It’s not your fault, you didn't cause it.”

  “No I know, but still...”

  “I think I’m definitely going to have to move again,” I sighed.

  “What! Where?”

  “I don’t know, I might go abroad, maybe I should have done that in the first place.”

  “You can’t do that,” he said quickly.


  “Well what about... I mean, you have friends here now, have your job...”

  “Stuff the job I can do something else, and I care about you guys don’t get me wrong, but we haven’t known each other very long and so...”

  “You care do you? Well if that’s true, then stay,” he interrupted.

  “Wow, I certainly didn't expect to be having a conversation like this with you.”

  “Fine, I’ll shut up then I won’t bother...”

  “I didn't mean it like that Jackson. You take things the wrong way a lot don’t you? You take things so personally. What I meant was, we haven’t exactly seen eye to eye have we?”


  “So I would have thought it more likely that Nancy would have said these things to me, not you. You never really seemed to care that much.”

  “I do care,” he almost whispered.

  “Do you?”

  “Well of course I do, your one of us, we look after our own.”

  “Oh, OK,” I sighed, turning away from him and looking out of the window.

  “Leticia I....”


  “It doesn’t matter, let’s just go and you can get cleaned up.”


  We didn't speak again until we arrived at his house. It wasn’t an awkward silence or anything; we just didn't seem to have anything else to say to each other. He hadn’t raced across the moors this time either, he actually stuck to the speed limit and so it had taken us around fifteen minutes to get from my burnt ruin to his place. The lights were on downstairs and I could see Nancy standing in the kitchen talking to Tristan. I gathered my things off the back seat and followed Jackson inside. Nancy sat me down at the kitchen table and passed me a cup of tea. Jackson grabbed his cup and walked out of the room.

  “Are you alright?” she asked me.

  “I will be, thank you.”

  “What are friends for?”

  “Has Jackson been alright with you?” Tristan asked.

  “Yeah, he grabbed me out of the house before and stayed with me while the police were asking questions.”

  “You went in the house?”

  I explained to them both about my safe, and how I needed the contents.

  “Jackson was right,” Nancy told me. “You were stupid to go inside.”

  “Yeah well I did, anyway, I thought you’d all gone home.”

  “We were going too, but Jackson decided he was going to get you and bring you here, he didn't want you being alone. I did tell him you would be shocked to see him there, and not us, but he didn't care, he wanted to make sure you were OK.”


  “Do you want me to show you to your room? It’s an en-suite so you can get cleaned up. I’ll get you some clothes; you’re pretty much the same size as me.”

  “That would be great, thank you,” I tried to smile.

  Tristan went looking for Jackson while Nancy led me upstairs, down the long brightly lit hallway to one of the spare rooms. She left me to get in the shower and told me that she would make sure there were some spare clothes left on the bed for when I got out. I stood in the shower for ages just letting the water run over me and trying to clear my head. My mind was racing all over the place, so much so, that at one point I felt dizzy with it. I had to try and calm down, to think clearly.

  When I came out of the shower I walked in the bedroom to find a pair of black jeans and a white tank top lying on the bed. I put them on, the jeans were a little big around the waist, but they were comfortable and the top fit perfectly. I looked at the clock; it was late now, just after midnight. I went downstairs just in time to have Nancy tell me she was going to call it a night. She was tired and wanted to be up early tomorrow. Tristan obviously joined her. She told me to help myself to a drink and some food if I was hungry, then hugged me for a moment before heading upstairs.

  I walked into the kitchen and Jackson was at the table with coffee and a fresh cup of tea next to him.

  “Here,” he said passing me the cup.

  I thanked him and sat down facing him. He looked deep in thought; he was staring into space, not even blinking.

  “Are you alright?” I finally asked.



  “What? Sorry.”

  “I said are you OK?”



  “How are you feeling?” he asked without looking at me.

  “I’ll be alright.”

  Both of us went silent. It was one of those awkward moments that made you feel really uncomfortable. Should I talk or not?

  “You can stay here as long as you like,” he told me. “It’s not like we don’t have the room.”

  “I don’t like putting people out, so I’ll be gone tomorrow.”

  “And what exactly are you going to have sorted out by tomorrow?” This time he looked me in the eyes. “You can’t exactly buy a house and move in the same day.”

  “I’ll stay at a hotel, or a B&B or something.”


  “Why not? It won’t be for long, I can afford it.”

  “We’re offering you a place to stay, for free, and yet you would rather pay for a hotel?”

  “I guess.”

  “Why Leticia?”

  I didn't answer him, he was actually being rather friendly with me, which to be honest, as much I was shocked about it, I liked it. I didn't want to just turn around and say ‘Well it’s because I don’t understand you. You’re arrogant, ignorant, and I don’t fancy fighting with you all the time’.

  “Why?” he repeated.

  “I said before, I don’t like putting people out and....”

  “Tell me the truth.”

  “That is the...”

  “Leticia,” he said raising his eyebrow.

  “OK fine, because you’re an ass,” I blurted out. “You act nice when it suits you and the rest of the time you’re horrible.”

  “I know.”

  That was not the reaction I was expecting. He turned away from me for a few minutes before speaking again.

  “Leticia, I’m sorry I’ve been like that with you, you’ve done me no harm. I promise you I won’t be like that with you anymore.”

  “Sorry, but I find that hard to believe.”

  “Let me prove it to you.”

  “Jackson look...”

  “When I’m nice... that’s the real me. That’s how I always used to be. I promise you I will be like that again, I won’t be off with you,” he said sincerely.

  “Why do you want me to stay?”


  “Well yeah.”

  “There are a few reasons. Can we talk about it tomorrow? You look exhausted and to be honest I’m tired myself, I haven’t slept much lately.”


  “I’ve been watching your place, Tristan and I took turns.”

  “Oh, you didn't have to do that.”

  “Well... get some sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Chapter 16

  I must have fallen asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. It was light outside now and I could hear the birds cheeping. I glanced at the large old fashioned clock on the wal
l facing me; it was almost 7:30a.m. I had clients booked in for today but couldn’t go; all my stock had been destroyed in the fire, so what could I possibly do for them. I’d have to cancel everything that was booked in for the foreseeable future. I got up, washed and dressed, then sat on the end of the bed calling each of them, speaking to some and leaving voice mails for others. One of ladies was in tears on the phone. She was so upset for me and told me if I needed anything all I had to do was call her. The rest of them were so understanding and all they cared about was my welfare.

  Just after speaking to my last client Nancy knocked on the door and came in the room.

  “How are you this morning?” She asked.

  “OK actually, just got a lot to sort out and a fair few phone calls to make.”

  “Insurance and everything?”


  “Well Jackson and Tristan have gone out and I need to run to the supermarket, will you be alright on your own or do you want to come with me?”

  “I’ll be fine. I need to get things sorted.”

  “OK,” she said a little disheartened. “Well help yourself to anything you need.”

  “Thanks Nancy.”

  I walked downstairs with her and saw her out, then decided to make myself a cup of tea and some toast before starting the calls.

  I was on the phone for hours, so much so that Nancy had been out and come back, put the shopping away and was now trying to put a new table together in the study. She was cursing like mad. Obviously things weren’t going right for her.

  “Why don’t you let the guys do it?” I laughed, entering the room.

  “Because they said I wouldn’t be able to do it and I want to prove them wrong.”

  “Let me help you, I’m pretty good at this sort of thing.”

  “No because then they have still won.”

  “Not if we tell them you did it yourself,” I winked.

  She smiled and moved aside so I could take a look at it, it was fairly simple really. I showed her what to do and held things in place so she could put the screws in, and in no time at all, the table was stood in the middle of the room looking good.

  “You’re a life saver, thank you very much,” she smiled. “It’s not as nice as the one we used to have in here. But Jackson broke it...”


  “He came in furious the night you helped Adam. He walked in here swearing his head off, and sadly he killed the table.”

  “Oh, erm...”

  “You don’t have to say anything, he just lost his temper. Anyway, enough about Jackson, he has his table back now. Thanks again.”

  “Anytime, but remember you built this all by yourself.”

  “Great. So what do you want to do now?”

  “I need a new car and some clothes.”

  “Let’s go out then. There’s car sales places on the way to Huddersfield, we could go and see if they have anything that takes your fancy. Then we could go shopping for clothes and get some lunch while we’re out,” she suggested.

  “I don’t know I…”

  “Oh please, I haven’t done anything like that for ages.”

  “Go on then.”

  We had a look at two car sales centers and I finally decided on one, a three year old Range Rover. It wasn’t as nice as the last one I had, but I liked it, it was in good condition and by god could it move. I decided to pick it up after we’d been shopping for clothes, after all, what was the point in using both cars and paying for the gas? We spent ages going in and out of different shops and I ended up spending a small fortune. Nancy didn't do too bad either, she had a fair few bags of stuff.

  We decided to put all the things in the trunk of the car and then headed into a nice cafe for lunch. I order a chicken Caesar salad, while Nancy had tuna with pasta. She was telling me how she wanted to re-decorate the house, and all the things she wanted to buy for it to make it have a more modern feel. Then, she fell silent. Her eyes seemed fixed on the window behind me.

  “Are you OK?” I asked a little concerned.

  “Turn around casually; you’ll see what’s got my attention.”

  I did as she said and she was right. There were three men staring at the cafe from the other side of the road. All of them looked as dirty and malnourished as the men who had previously attacked us.

  “Oh wonderful, I can’t go anywhere now,” I muttered. “Bastards.”

  “Maybe we should wait for a while, maybe they’ll leave.”

  “Do you honestly believe that?”

  “Well maybe we should call Jackson and Tristan.”

  “Nancy, we don’t always need guys here you know.”

  “Yeah I know,” she said rather defensively. “I just meant for back-up.”

  “There’s a shape shifter and a werewolf here, I’m pretty sure we could handle three human beings. Let’s just finish our coffee and walk out of here with our heads held high.”

  “Yeah you’re right. Your attitude has changed though.”

  “That’s because I’ve been pushed too far and your words keep going round and round in my head. Why the hell should I move again? Be forced away? Why don’t I stand and fight?”

  “I’m glad to hear you’re thinking like that,” she smiled. “I know the others will be too, Jackson especially”

  “If you say so.”

  “He likes you, that’s his problem, but it’s getting hard for him to keep up the tough exterior. He’s slowly melting and it’s about bloody time.”

  “Whatever you say, now, are you finished?”

  “It’s the truth and yes I am, are you ready to go?”


  I grabbed my handbag and we made our way outside, I glared at each of the men for a moment before taking Nancy’s arm and heading towards the parking lot. The men followed behind us, but we paid no attention to them, we just simply acted as though they weren’t there. When we reached Nancy’s car they approached us. One stood behind the vehicle while another stood directly in front. The tallest one stood by my door. I wound the window down.

  “Can I help you with something?” I casually asked.

  “Get out of the car,” he ordered.

  “Or you’ll do what exactly?”

  He moved his coat slightly to the side to show me he was carrying a gun.

  “Oh no,” I mocked. “Please don’t shoot me.”

  “Are you crazy?” he frowned.

  “Go ahead shoot, but I’ll warn you, you better run as fast as your legs can carry you because I promise if I catch you, you will die. Slowly.”

  “You seem to forget Leticia; I’m the one with the gun.”

  “And what you don’t realize is that gun wouldn’t stop me.”

  He didn't know how to respond, he didn't have a clue what I was and I think the fact that I wasn’t afraid of him or his weapon threw him a little. I looked at Nancy and she started the engine, put it into reverse and started to drive. The man who stood behind us panicked and dived out of the way. We watched them through the mirrors, all of them stood there still as statues just watching us leave.

  On the way back to the house we stopped off so I could pick up my new car and I followed behind Nancy. When we got home Jackson and Tristan were sitting in the living room. Jackson looked pissed off beyond belief and to be honest Tristan didn't exactly look happy either.

  “What’s wrong with you two?” I asked entering the room.

  “Look at this,” Tristan said, passing me a brown envelope. “Look inside.”

  When I opened the envelope I found a photograph, this time of Jackson and me standing near my burning house, his arms wrapped around me. I felt every muscle in my body tense.

  “Where did you get this?” I seethed.

  “It was pushed through the letter box, it was on the floor when we got back,” Jackson told me.

  “Right, I’m leaving; they’ll follow me and leave you alone.”

  “No!” Jackson almost shouted standing and facing me. “We’re in
this together now, you’re staying here. We find out who it is that’s messing around and we kill them and have done with it.”

  “This isn’t right...”

  “Look on the back,” Tristan told me.

  I turned it over; on the back was a message...

  What started as one freak has now become four.

  Oh what fun we will have!

  I crumpled the photograph up before throwing it on the floor and stormed out of the house. Poor Nancy didn't have a clue what was going on, just as she was about to walk in, I pushed right past her. I practically marched into the field next to the house, Jackson had followed me out. I looked around me before I began to shout.


  “Leticia,” Jackson said as he walked over.



  “SHUT UP!” I shouted at him.

  “No, you shut up! Don’t you see this is what they want? They want to drive you to despair. They want you to give in to them.”

  “If it will keep you all safe they can have me.”

  He stood in front of me and cupped my face in his hands. He looked deep into my eyes; I started to feel a bit nervous. His face was only a few inches away from mine and I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks.

  “Stop,” he almost whispered. “I don’t want them to take you. Stay with me...with us... let’s do this together.”




  “Because...” he breathed.


  “We look after our own,” he said as he moved away from me slightly, his tone becoming cooler again. “That’s how it is.”

  “You know, for a minute there I thought you might have given me a better answer than that”

  “Like what?”

  “LETICIA!” I heard Nancy shout. “COME BACK INSIDE!”

  I looked at Jackson again for a moment but his face was unreadable, expressionless, his eyes cold. I shook my head and walked away from him. Nancy led me into the study and shut the door behind us.

  “Don’t you dare leave me,” she shot. “I understand we’ve not known each other long, but I really like you. We get on well and I want to keep my friend. Tristan likes you, and Jackson, well, he’s besotted with you. I know he comes over as being a jerk and I guess in a way he is one, but he won’t always be. He desperately wants you to stay with us Tish and...”